I had great plans to make a very healthy meal this week - plans that were slightly foiled by the amount of butter I used, alas. It was tasty, though!
This meal featured locally farmed trout from Freshwater farms of Ohio. I pan-fried it with fresh lemon juice (not local) and herbs. My second attempt at cauliflower puree was fantastic! I used two small potatoes along with the cauliflower, plus cream and butter and caramelized shallots. Sadly, that was the last of the cauliflower from my freezer. Other side dishes included corn with shallots and butter, green beans with even more shallots and butter, and carnival squash with, you guessed it, butter (along with maple sugar and curry powder. And without shallots.) I've been experimenting with flavorings for roasted squash, and I have to say that maple and curry is a definite winner (cumin is also pretty good, and cumin with coriander is on deck for the next batch.)
So how are your supplies holding out? My freezer is still packed to the gills, and we've been getting fresh lettuce and greens and the odd potato (sweet potatoes this week!) from the winter farmer's market. I have a ton of small, slightly wrinkly and sad potatoes that I bought in the fall, so hopefully they will become soup this week. And plenty of squash are still around, of course - it's about time to roast one of the big ones (probably a marina de chioggia.)
Gack, the comment box ate my post. Lets try again:
Like you, my freezer stores are still intact, I haven't had to dive into them yet. Its been the potatoes, winter squash, turnips, sweet potatoes, etc. for me so far. Part of it is that I don't know how long the winter stores have to last before the spring crops start. Any advice?
Maple syrup is one of my latest crazes... seems to go well with both sweet and savory. I've tried it paired with cumin, but never coriander yet. I'll be interested to read your report.
Last year I made the mistake of running through the last of the freezer stores as spring hit, and we had asparagus at every meal for a good month. So this year I am definitely saving some veggies for that first lean month of market season!
I do find it hard to turn to the freezer when there is fresh food available, which is part of the reason I have so much frozen food left this year. Still, it's nice to have frozen stuff on hand, since it is usually so simple to get it ready!
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